Thank you for giving to Summit!


Your giving is impactful.

Here at Summit Church, we understand your resources are precious and where you choose to give matters. That is why we ensure your giving is used in four key areas:

  1. Fund current church operations

  2. Reach out to our local and regional communities

  3. Give to worldwide missions

  4. Save for future expansion of church operations


Giving made simple.

You can choose to give a one-time gift or set up recurring gifts. You will be directed to our secure online giving portal where you have the opportunity to set up a profile, manage your giving, and view your giving history. To give a one-time gift, click Give Now, then Login or Register, and put your information into the secure form provided. Thank you for your generosity. You are making a difference for Christ worldwide!

To obtain your Giving Statement, email


Text-To-Give is a convenient giving option we offer at Summit Church. Just text the amount you would like to give and keyword “SUMMIT” to the number 45777. You will be directed to a secure site, where you will be asked to submit your payment information to a one-time form. You will then be able to send your gift as a text!

Tithes & Offerings:
$100 Summit


Heart for the House:
$100 Summit Heart

General Missions:
$100 Summit Missions

National / Global Disaster Relief:
$100 Summit Relief

SYR Student Sponsorship:
$100 Summit SYR

Benevolence Fund:
$100 Summit Benevolence

Guest Ministers:
$100 Summit Guest

New Hope Housing:
$100 Summit Hope

Sanctity of Life Ministries:
$100 Summit Life

China Missions:
$100 Summit China

Turkey Missions:
$100 Summit Turkey

Philippines Missions:
$100 Summit Philippines

Thailand Missions:
$100 Summit Thailand

Israel Relief Fund:
$100 Summit Israel

FaithWalk International:
$100 Summit FaithWalk

Compassion International:
$100 Summit Compassion


Sponsor a Student

Text-To-Give Example:
$100 Summit SYR

Summit Youth Retreat Sponsorship
Cost: $550 per student

Thank you for considering any amount towards sponsoring a student to disconnect from all things digital, and plug into all things God. What we have planned for this five-day spiritual growth getaway in the peace-filled Pennsylvania mountains will change a student’s life.


“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
